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CompPair HealTech Sandwich Panel Expands Composite Self-Healing Capabilities | the world of composites

       Repairable panels have good repairability without compromising compatible paint and retain the same characteristics as the original sample.
        CompPair Technologies (Rennes, Switzerland) has accumulated a wealth of experience in the field of repairable prepregs and has now developed the HealTech sandwich panel. CompPair HealTech, a composite material that self-heals to extend the life of composite parts, helps companies achieve their sustainability goals. The expanded product portfolio now includes semi-finished products such as panels.
        According to CompPair, HealTech panels have shown good repairability on edges, convex and indented surfaces. He believes self-healing sandwich panels are ideal candidates for many applications, namely indoor panels. HealTech has also been integrated and tested on a catamaran with a gunboat and may even help form the basis for a reusable spacecraft.
        When using the CompPair repair method, several minutes of heating are required to restore functionality and repair the composite part. The compatible paintwork will not be damaged during or after the restoration, and the part will be as good as new when the restoration is completed. The results showed that the healed specimens retained the same properties as the original specimens – technical drawings can be sent upon request.
       CompPair says that after previous customer work, it is now able to supply these technical panels for wider use in the composites industry.
       The CompPair HealTech Standard product line has been expanded with the addition of CS02, a fast prepreg line.

Post time: Jul-13-2023