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Diversity and Inclusion at Hudbay Peru: Mining Transformation

1-ibr(1m) (5) 1-ibr(1.2m) (4) 1-galzed 1-corrugated(1m) (1) 1-corrugated(1.2m) 1-914mm feeding (6)

The mining company is implementing an innovative strategy to increase the representation of women and local communities in its operations.
At Hudbay Peru, they bet on diversity, equality and inclusion, which are key to business profitability. This is because they believe that different groups of people provide the flexibility and diversity of opinion that is critical to finding effective solutions to industry problems. Miners take this especially seriously when they operate Constancia, a low grade mine that requires constant innovation to maintain consistent profitability.
“We currently have agreements with organizations such as Women in Mining (WIM Peru) and WAAIME Peru that promote the presence of more women in Peru’s mining industry,” said Javier Del Rio, Vice President of Hudbay South America. Ensuring equal pay for equal work is critical,” he added.
The Department of Energy and Mining estimates that the average female participation rate in the mining industry is around 6%, which is very low, especially if we compare it with countries with strong mining traditions like Australia or Chile, which reach 20% and 9 %. ,respectively. In that sense, Hudbay wanted to make a difference, so they implemented the Hatum Warmi program, which is specifically for women in the local community who want to learn how to operate heavy machinery. Twelve women had the opportunity to receive six months of technical training in the operation of the equipment. Participants only need to show that they are registered in the public registry, have graduated from high school, and are between the ages of 18 and 30.
In addition to receiving all the benefits corresponding to temporary employees, the company also provides them with financial subsidies. Once they complete the program, they will become part of the Human Resources database and will be called on an as-needed basis based on operational needs.
Hudbay Peru is also committed to funding successful young people and the surrounding areas they work in to pursue mining-related careers such as environmental engineering, mining, industry, geology and more. This will benefit 2 girls and 2 boys from the province of Chumbivilcas, its zone of influence, starting in 2022.
Mining companies, on the other hand, are realizing that this is not only enough to bring women into the industry, but also to help more women enter leadership positions (supervisors, managers, supervisors). For this reason, in addition to mentors, women with the above types of profiles will participate in leadership programs to improve their social skills and team management abilities. There is no doubt that these actions will be the key to starting to close the gap and ensure diversity, fairness and inclusiveness in the mining industry.

Post time: Aug-31-2022